Gemini Full Moon + Solstice + Venus Conjunct Pluto + Lots of other Stuff
The universe has decided to punctuate
the end of the year
with a row of friggin exclamation points!
I’ve gotten a ton of emails and texts asking
about the stars over the past week. People are like,
Without going into boring details, let’s
just say a lot.
This past week has been quite a doozy.
The stars say, it is likely that some kind
of cancellation
or major disappointment
has happened in the last
week or so.
Some kind of ouch!
Something has happened
that is frustrating
and unexpected
and forced you to change plans.
Some of us are feeling
Out of sorts.
With the BIG full moon energy waning,
it is likely you will start to feel a
bit more like yourself in the coming days.
As the Northern Hemisphere heads into Winter Solstice,
this is a specially charged three day window,
where we are given a
to resource
and reset.
The sun is at it's lowest in the It is a nice time to light candles,
take a long bath with rosemary sprigs,
bring nature in with evergreens or head out for a nature hike.
During the next three days,
change the focus
to your own
and emotional
health needs.
Invest more time in reinforcing and fueling your own
triangle of health.
In the triangle of health,
each side
represents a set of needs:
our spiritual needs,
our physical needs,
and emotional needs.
The triangle is
each side
is equal
and equally important
to the other.
Giving your triangle of health
some attention right now is vital.
Does your triangle of health
feel balanced
What might be needed to re-stabilize it?
Venus conjunct Pluto twice in two weeks due to a retrograde.
A conjunction occurs when two planets are at the same degree in the sky.
Venus is going through a deep renovation.
She wants you to discover what and who creates stability and
where do you feel in command?
Venus in Capricorn is about requirements.
What do you require to be in relationship?
As she retrogrades, she will likely run over terrain
you’ve seen before.
Been there, done that kind of bs.
People, scenarios, situations, old lovers
may reappear in your life
for you to practice
your new values
It is a great time to re-evaluate
your relationships and put up new boundaries.
Venus is also about pleasure and comfort,
but when theye moves retrograde,
those things can be harder to find.
For some of us, this coincides with the holidays, which
can be awkward and difficult to begin with.
Try to stay out of old habits.
Remind yourself,
there are things you
know about yourself
that you didn’t
know about yourself two years ago.
The universe is giving you chances
this week
to remember this.
There is also a lot of wonderful Jupiter energy pouring in right now.
It is visionary,
and wants to see how the pieces come together
and how to make it whole.
Forward thinking energy
with a focus on the long term.
Can you maintain a
higher perspective into what is unfolding?
It is not an easy end
to a fairly unstable year.
Try to stay centered in your practices,
keep your head above the frey,
and maintain attention on your triangle of health.
Here are a few ways to add a little magic and fun to the Winter Solstice.
🫖 Fix Yourself A Hotty Health Tonic - oh yes, my dears. And it has brandy. Ever heard of “Here we go a-caroling” welp, it was originally called Wassailing and is actually based on this cider traditional drink that was drunk while singing health blessings to your neighbors.
❄️ Ever wondered why the hell Winter “starts” on Winter Solstice? Or does it?? Metrological winter is different from astronomical. Learn why season start when they do via the good ol farmers almanc here
🌏 Apparently, Winter is the time to parrrrtaaaay for the Northern Hemisphere folks. Cultures from all parts of the globe celebrate this season, learn how cultures around the globe get down.
💎 Get your Empaths & HSP First Aid Kit Going - Holiday seasons are the most frazzling for empaths and highly sensitive people. Seriously, we best prepare ourselves for a lot of different energies. I love the Tourmaline + Essence combo. Create your own remedies here.
💡 Perform a Lights All-A-Glow Blessing Garland - combine both sprigs of nature, cute bows, and spellwork - I am in! It might be interesting to untie a first set of bows to symbolize what needs to be released and then tie a second set of bows as your wish carriers.
🌚 Winter Solstice Tarot Spread Celebrate the longest night as an opportunity to have our desires reflected back to us by the dark mirror of night. Can't.Wait.
🌲 Give a nod to the nature-based roots of winter solstice. Bundle up for a hike in the woods then create a wreath or tablescape from found materials in nature. Pine cones have special symbolism, from being considered fertility charms to their connections to sacred geometry and the pineal gland.
🧼 Get Scrubbin The celebration of the Yule holiday is a time to clean your home and purge everything that no longer serves you. Doing so will help prepare for this joyous season as well, by creating a space free from any negative energy or memories which may have accumulated over the year past. Make your own simple DIY yummy smelling cleaner.
😴 Close down any surplus of solar activities and begin to gracefully let go of whatever extra obligations or social engagements you can. Dial up your lunar activities, start a sound meditation practice via our platform, meditate, restore, and reflect as we are in the lowest ebb of solar energies of the entire year.
PS: Want to learn how to heal yourself with sound? Join our Online Inner Sounds Level 1 Training! January 2022 is sold out, get on the waitlist for our next April 2022 cohort by signing up here.
Image by: unable to find artist credit 😢 if you know who created this, please email me