New Moon Wed Oct 6th 4:07AM 13 degrees Libra
Mars puts on his sunglasses
and starts moonwalking
across the sky.
Where is he going?
What is he doing?
Mars hears the chatter
a flying
They are focused on the moves.
The music.
The feeling.
On this very special New Moon
Mars will
be joining
the Sun and Moon
in the Libra sky.
Sooo, expect
a little spice
to this lunation.
This unique planetary tryptic
provides an interesting contrast
to the typically diplomatic
and compromise-motivated Libra.
Instead of focusing on what
we agree on Mars might be showing us
where we disagree.
What we don’t like.
What we don’t want.
While Libra is typically
overly concentrated on diplomacy,
that it borders on people-pleasing
Mars is pushing us to
step out of compromise
step out of comparison
step out of approval
Mars says, “Guess what
I don’t give a shit any of you all think.
I'm doing this!”
You can be brave, take risks, and make moves
during this lunation.
Mars can be a disturbance,
shaking things up
to show us
where things
aren’t aligned
Be true to the signs telling you,
use this celestial trigger
to get your ass moving.
You can initiate without so much worry.
There is fuel here.
The timing is right.
The timing is perfect.
Before you launch,
let’s focus on Venus, who rules Libra,
what is that girl up to?
Venus is finishing
her tour of the underground
in Scorpio.
They have had a lot of revelations.
Big understandings.
Something has transformed itself
into their own personal power.
Something big has shifted in their
acceptance of themselves
and their complicated journey.
There is a lot of YES energy in this chart.
Integrate what you've learned and have faith in whats next.
The window is brief.
Go for it.
Image by:
Marco Zagara