Our Aquarian Moon arrives on Friday July 23rd at 7:37pm pst
This Full Moon is full of
electric ripples,
and future potentials.
The bright moon in Aquarius,
is amplifying the energy
of authenticity.
The Aquarian journey
to individuality is not an easy one.
First, you have to journey past
fears of belonging,
being labeled an outcast,
and not knowing who your tribe is.
An internal pressure develops,
one that forces you to go inward
and know yourself
at an unshakeable level.
Mature Aquarian energy knows itself
because they've had to.
They know
exactly who they are
and are complete in their
It's like a magic mirror,
the more you look
the more you see.
And when you know yourself more,
you accept yourself more,
and naturally, without force,
your tribe begins to magnetize around you.
Who are my best buds? People who have been to sound baths.
This moon is such a beautiful time
to celebrate and enjoy
how you are different.
Revel in your unique frequency.
The full moon is bright and strong,
definitive and certain.
During this lunation,
something new
may lock into
your identity
or future.
Something that may
have been in the far reaches of
you consciousness
is now re-illuminated.
Something is coming alive in you.
A new pulse.
A new electrical current.
Something is getting energized
in you that
you are meant to follow.
This electrical spark may have been started
in Dec 2020, as we are seeing a mirror image of the grand conjunction.
Full Moons traditionally signify completions or endings.
And since this full Moon is
in the wake
Venus & Mars dancing together last week,
this is a very good time to
do a cord cutting spell to
break any harmful energetic ties with an
x-partner, friend, boss, location, home, or behavioral pattern
so you can move on energetically and emotionally.
Aquarius is the future maker. And this is the first of two back to back full Aquarian Moons, with the second arriving on August 22nd.
The stirrings of this Full Moon
will continue to grow
into the next one making it
a very good time to be
definitive in your truth.
There are a lot of oppositions in this chart.
Energy is building up. It may feel agitated or tense but use the energies to break the mold that binds you.
Do not back down from what you know, feel, and are.