I want to tell you a little story about frequency.
Several years ago,
I purchased my first little bowl.
Smaller bowls mean higher pitch,
as in, going up the piano, while bigger bowls,
go down in pitch, aka going down the piano.
Anyhoo, this bowl,
by pure accident,
happened to cool at
a very special frequency (says, who?)
called 528hz.
This frequency
was IT!
THE frequency.
It was all the rage.
Spiritualists were writing about how 528hz
IS the frequency of the NEW EARTH!
IT is enlightening.
IT is the future.
Big shit like that.
I listened to this tiny little 8” bowl.
And found it...
Downright cringe-worthy!
My body, my energy, my whole self
screamed a HELL no!
Listen folks, I am a skeptic.
I believe it is a gift.
Unless I feel it for myself,
I am hesitant to just believe
in the latest spiritual appetizer.
The latest craze.
I’ve got to
feel it.
And, clearly,
I was NOT feelin
this bowl.
I tucked it away and played it very rarely.
Recently, I mentioned
Jupiter and Neptune in Pisces.
A rare astrological occurrence that
hasn’t happened in 166 years
and won’t happen again until 2188.
We are still surfing the waves of the exact conjunction
which occurred on April 12th.
Whenever I am preparing for a live event,
I spend about a week
tuning into the different energies.
I will play different
bowls and gongs
and see
who is “raising their hand”
so to speak.
some raise their hands
and some do not.
Last week,
cringy 528 hz bowl
was raising their hand
I braced myself
for the horrors of this bowl
and to my surprise...
In fact, it was easy to play.
This little bowl, merrily
got along with everyone.
It occurred to me, that previous years
were not an energy match to this bowl.
Perhaps, I wasn't an energy match to this bowl.
But, now,
right friggin now,
is the time
for this particular bowl.
I still don't prescribe to special frequencies being better or more spiritual than others,
but, I do believe
when the frequency feels right,
then it is right.
As I enjoyed the
528 hz baby bowl,
it felt like the rumors were true -
this IS the
frequency of the moment.
And, it is new.
Higher frequencies like 528 hz are flooding in,
ones that have been years in the making.
They are fresh.
They are intuitive.
Our experiences over the past few years
have led us to new understandings, identities
and priorities.
Our goals, perspective, and perceptions
have changed.
Our frequency has changed.
It is like snorkeling in warm waters for the first time,
the minute you place
your eyes below the waterline,
a hidden world teeming with
iridescent color, vibrancy,
life abundance, and magnificence
is revealed.
Dipping below the waterline gives us a shift in dimension or perception,
Wow, there is a whole new brilliant world down here!
It was always there
but you didn’t see it.
This is the kind of moment we are in,
if you are willing
to look below the waterline,
you will see
a whole world
of higher frequencies.
These new energies that are coming online
are very fine, high level energy,
touching the ethereal, the divine,
the magical, mystical,
and, downright, miraculous.
There are opportunities
to do a deep, karmic clearing.
What are you phasing out?
What are you chiseling off?
There are some lessons you learned
over many lifetimes that
are complete and
ready to be let go of
with a sense
✨ Listen to an AMAZING Over the Rainbow Sound Bath featuring the 528 hz Bowl via our online sound healing platform. Not a member? Try it out for $10 here
🎶 What does 528 hz mean anyway? Learn more here
PS: Want to learn how to heal yourself with sound? Join our Online Inner Sounds Level 1 Training! April 2022 is sold out.
Get on the waitlist for our Summer 2022 cohort by signing up here.
Image by: unable to find artist credit 😢 if you know who created this, please email me